This post isn’t written with any bitterness, just some reflection on photography competitions generally. It’s that time of year when I watch on as Twitter erupts with excitement at the receipt of LPOTY shortlist emails. This is the third time that I’ve entered and not…
Bluebells 2015: Redux
As controversial a subject that bluebell photography can be amongst the UK landscape photography community (well, not bluebells per se, but shooting seasonally obvious subject matter with little imagination or thought for originality), they’re still a highlight of my photography calendar as they are indicative…
Infrared Photography Part II: Processing
Late last year, I wrote my first post on infrared photography that attempted to cover the practical aspects of using a Hoya R72 IR filter to capture IR images. This post is a follow up, and is more focussed on the processing side of things using Lightroom. I’m…
2015: A review of my photographic year
Around this time of year, I always enjoy looking back over the past year to think about what I achieved photographically and consider what I want to try and accomplish over the coming year. I didn’t have a chance to pull this together before the…
Infrared Photography with the Hoya R72 filter
I find myself really drawn to infrared photography. There is something about the naturally high contrast black and white images that IR can produce that just aren’t possible when shooting normally, with the visible spectrum. This is especially true in the landscape where foliage can…
Landscape Photography with a Telephoto Lens
I’ve written about landscape photography with telephoto lenses before, but since making the jump to full frame earlier this year, it is something I’ve found myself doing even more. As such, I’ve realised a few interesting points that I thought worth sharing, as well as…
Photographing Puffins on Skomer Island
Ahead of another trip to Skomer to photograph puffins, I’ve been looking back through images taken nearly 12 months ago, in July 2014, when I was fortunate enough to spend two nights on the island, just off the coast of Pembrokeshire, photographing puffins. The island is…