It’s been a long time since I’ve written any blog posts here, mainly due to a combination of being busy at work, moving house and trying to use any time I have spare to actually get out with my camera, but I’m trying to make a renewed effort to keeping my website up to date.
So first off, I was pleased to find that my close up hare image, below, was recently shortlisted in the Mammal Society Photographer of the Year 2014 competition. It’s always been a favourite of mine since that chance encounter, so I’m glad that the good folk judging the competition also enjoyed it.
The competition received a fair bit of national media coverage, so I was chuffed to see my image appear on the likes of the Telegraph, BBC and Yahoo! and even more so when I saw that the BBC were using my hare image as the thumbnail picture for the gallery of winning images on the BBC Nature homepage:
Anyway, as it’s about time I added some new content to my website, over the next few weeks I’ll be uploading new images and blog posts covering some of the things I’ve been up to over the last few months – stretching as far back as a trip to Iceland back in September, that blog post/gallery is well overdue!!