
20 Apr 2015, Posted by Elliot Hook in Blog, exhibition

This weekend is the launch event for #Connected2015, a photography exhibition that aims to showcase the work of both amateur and pro photographers united by a love of image making.  It’s the 8th annual exhibition hosted by the Nottingham Flickr Group at the Patchings Art Centre,…

Hello World (v3.0)

04 Mar 2015, Posted by Elliot Hook in admin, Blog, web

Welcome to the latest iteration of A couple of months ago I decided that my website needed a refresh, and here it is. I’ve moved away from the Zenfolio platform, back to WordPress, and so I’ve been spending a few hours here and there…

2014: A review of my photographic year

27 Dec 2014, Posted by Elliot Hook in Blog, landscapes, wildlife

2014 has been a relatively quiet year, photographically, compared to previous years.  There have been times when whole months went by without me picking up my camera and whilst I have taken plenty of images throughout the year, I’ve published far fewer on to Flickr…

Mammal Society Photography Competition 2014

07 May 2014, Posted by Elliot Hook in Blog, wildlife

It’s been a long time since I’ve written any blog posts here, mainly due to a combination of being busy at work, moving house and trying to use any time I have spare to actually get out with my camera, but I’m trying to make…

My Back-Up Regime

01 Aug 2013, Posted by Elliot Hook in Blog, guide, workflow

I’m a firm believer of ‘backing up’.  If someone mentions that they suffered a hard drive failure and lost all of their images, but did not have a back up, I would not give them much sympathy and probably also ‘roll my eyes’ and give…