

Sunday Morning White Out

13 Dec 2017, Posted by Elliot Hook in Blog, landscapes, trips

It’s been a good few years since we’ve had any decent snow here in Bedfordshire, especially snowfall coinciding with me being able to get out and shoot in it.  So last weekend, when a large portion of the UK had a good covering, I took…

Bluebells 2015: Redux

19 Apr 2016, Posted by Elliot Hook in Blog, landscapes

As controversial a subject that bluebell photography can be amongst the UK landscape photography community (well, not bluebells per se, but shooting seasonally obvious subject matter with little imagination or thought for originality), they’re still a highlight of my photography calendar as they are indicative…

Infrared Photography with the Hoya R72 filter

20 Dec 2015, Posted by Elliot Hook in Blog, guide, landscapes

I find myself really drawn to infrared photography. There is something about the naturally high contrast black and white images that IR can produce that just aren’t possible when shooting normally, with the visible spectrum. This is especially true in the landscape where foliage can…